Sunday, November 04, 2007

Fred Barnes Doesn't Know Much About Ohio

Fred Barnes, the arrogant guy who spends a lot of time on Faux News attacking Democrats and liberals, is not very knowledgeable about politics in Ohio. Although Barnes attempts to speak from first hand experience with Ohio, his article in the Weekly Standard shows his ignorance. Here are some excerpts from the Weekly Standard that are bothersome:

.....The Republicans have slightly less than a 50 percent chance in Ohio next year.

The good news is that Ohio Republicans are prepared to fight. "The negativity against Republicans isn't anything like it was in 2006," Ohio Republican congressman Pat Teaberry says. Unpopular governor Bob Taft III is gone, as is the corruption issue. Ohio Republicans have a solid voter turnout infrastructure that saved House members Steve Chabot and Deborah Pryce last year. They'll need it in 2008.

Ohio Republicans relish the idea of running against Hillary Clinton. But what if she chose Ted Strickland, Ohio's likable Democratic governor, as her running mate? He's a bit of a lightweight, but he's also begun rebuilding the Democratic party in the state. "I don't know what [Strickland] brings you except Ohio," says Teaberry. Ohio is enough.....

Mr. Barnes must not do much research before he writes his articles.

(1) Republican Rep. Pat 'Teaberry' is actually Pat "Tiberi". Barnes should verify the spelling of those he interviews.

(2) Republican Rep. Steve Chabot is being heavily criticized for his unwavering support of Bush's unending war in Iraq and his support to uphold Bush's veto of S-CHIP. Chabot apparently is a GOP robot who has adopted Bush's agenda as his own.

(3) Deborah Pryce's win over Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy was by 1066 votes. This time, the Ohio GOP cannot even find a candidate to run for Pryce's empty seat! Scores of well-known Republicans have turned down the opportunity to run as as a Republican candidate for Ohio's 15th district.

(4) The scandals from the Republican administration of Bob Taft are still being dealt with in Ohio. As a matter of fact, just this week, there was the 20th conviction from the Ohio Republican scandal known as "Coingate." (See Cincinnati Post) The previous Republican administration in Ohio lost over $200 million from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation with their corrupt handling of state money. Does Barnes think Ohioans have forgotten about it? Not a chance!

(5) Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, a Democrat, is NOT a lightweight. Strickland is winning friends even among the state's Republicans. People like Strickland because he is honest, straightforward, and he is getting things done by working with Republicans. Most importantly, Ohioans love Strickland.

My dog knows more about Ohio politics than Barnes.