Some elected officials from Ohio continue to repeat the mantra of the Bush administration that we are having the best economy ever in the history of the country. Those people are WRONG. Ohio's Department of Jobs and Family Services has released their unemployment report for November 2005. If you look at a comparison of the Ohio counties, the unemployment in some areas of the state are incredible. Here are some examples:
.....City of Cleveland........7.7
.....City of Columbus........5.0
.....City of Toledo.............6.8
.....City of Youngstown....8.3
.... City of Dayton............6.9
..Scioto......................... 7.7
Here on our local public access channel, we continue to see a video hailing the achievements of No Child Left Behind. Actually, I'd call it propaganda. I'd like to know how much it cost to produce and which Bush contributor got the contract to produce it.