Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Attention Birthers!

President Obama has posted the long form of his birth certificate at the White House website.
What will Trump and Orly Taitz talk about now?  Will they start another conspiracy?

If President Obama was a white man named John Smith, these attacks would not be happening.  Birthers = Racists

I think that Trump should release his report cards from K-12 grades. What kind of student was he in college?  I'd also like to see Trump's information on his bankruptcies, divorces, and business deals. When was he potty trained?  Do we have documentation?  What is that thing on Trump's head?  Has it been examined by the FDA, the health department, and the CIA?

The President displayed that he is concerned about solving problems.  The Republicans and the goofy birthers are just plain crazy.  Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner?