Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Wednesday's Stuff, Pt. 2

I saw a snippet of this over at and thought I'd explore the Census Bureau site to see how Columbus, Ohio was doing. Here is some information from the U.S. Census Bureau Press Release:

The City of Columbus, Ohio has seen a 1.1% increase in population from 2007 to 2008, from 746,861 to 754,885 (population estimate), making Columbus the 14th largest city in the U.S.


***** Warning! Warning! Warning!!!! ******

Beware! The Republicans will be running some anti-Democratic ads in the weeks to come. (See RealClearPolitics for details.) That is right. The party of "NO!" which has no new ideas, has decided that they are going to attack the Democrats and President Obama. Even though the self-righteous, holier-than-thou, anti-minority, anti-choice, anti-worker, anti-health care, anti-immigrant, anti-fair wage, anti-clean air, Republicans haven't had a fresh idea since Lincoln, they've decided that they are going to attack Democrats. The GOP will be attacking President Obama and the Democrats because they haven't fixed the economy yet. OMG! President Obama has been in office just over five months and he is still cleaning up the messes left by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. The Republicans are pathetic. PATHETIC!!!!!