Friday, December 01, 2006

Pryce's Staff Making Good Money

There is a site for finding the salaries for the congressional staffs for all the members of Congress. LegiStorm has a search function that provides a lot of information on the staff members. For example, let us examine Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce's staff lists. Although the lists may not be complete, as in the case of the 4/1/06 to 5/30/06 group, we can still examine the names and amounts paid. Pryce's staff is huge, but she may lose some of them with the loss of her leadership role in the House. Even so, it appears that working for Deborah Pryce is more financially rewarding than living in her district, where jobs have been stagnant. By the way, the posted salaries are for a three month period.

Staff salaries: 1/1/06-3/1/06
Staff salaries: 10/1/05-12/31/05
Staff salaries: 7/1/05-9/30/05

A few weeks ago, there was a news article that mentioned that many Republican staff members will be out of jobs with the Democrats now in the majority. These Republican staff members have enjoyed the gravy train, travel, dinners, and special favors for a long time. Now they'll be able to work as greeters at Walmart. Welcome to the real world!