Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Low Can It Go?

*   Public Policy Polling gives us an indication that Gov. John Kasich is not regarded very highly by Ohio voters.  As a matter of fact, his approval rating is going lower.


-John Kasich, already unpopular in Ohio when PPP polled the state in March, has seen his numbers continue to head even further in the wrong direction and is now tied with Florida Governor Rick Scott as the least popular Governor in the country out of 38 that we have polled on. Just 33% of voters in the state now approve of Kasich to 56% who disapprove. In March it was a 35/54 spread. Kasich's numbers are basically identical to where they were then with independents, and he's actually ticked up a little bit with Democrats. What's really plunging him is that Republicans aren't even all that enthused about him anymore- he's gone from a +53 (71/18) spread with them in March to now +30 (58/28) with them in May. That 23 point decline within his own party is largely responsible for his overall drop.

Ohio voters are having some serious, serious buyer's remorse about voting for Kasich. They now say if they could do it over again they'd vote for Ted Strickland by a 25 point margin over Kasich, 59/34. Our final poll before the election last fall, which hit the results on the head, found Kasich winning independents by 18 points. Now they say they would vote for Strickland by 16. And while only 9% of Republicans crossed party lines to support Strickland last year, now 26% say they would if they had the chance to do it over again.

-Kasich and his first term Republican brethren across the Midwest may be the best thing that's ever happened to Barack Obama's reelection chances.....

Those people that supported Kasich probably get a queasy feeling in their stomachs every single time the governor opens his mouth and talks about what he plans to do next.  So far, despite his bragging and running all over Ohio in state-owned aircraft, we have yet to see any job creation.  Those jobs created at the Toledo Chrysler plant had nothing to do with Kasich.  The jobs are developing because President Barack Obama pushed for and got loans to American automakers.  As the story at the Plain Dealer notes-----

President Barack Obama returns to Ohio late next week, with plans to visit a Chrysler plant in Toledo. The White House has released few details but says the visit will be on Friday, June 3.....

.....Democrats say that Chrysler's repayment of government bridge loans, as well as General Motors' payments, and their continuing operation and gradual expansion, show that Obama made the right decision.....

Ohio Republicans and Kasich were against the Obama auto bailout.

>>>>  Republicans in the U.S. Senate voted to end Medicare this evening, according to TalkingPointsMemo.  Fortunately, it did not pass.  Those of us getting close to retirement must remember this----

A vote for a Republican is one vote closer to end Medicare.