Monday, July 26, 2010


Economy in Crisis has this about Republican Rob Portman:

...The Ohio Conference on Fair Trade said that during the Portman-era as U.S. Trade Rep., 17,000 Ohio jobs were outsourced while the trade deficit rose 6.5 percent.  Portman also allowed the U.S. trade deficit with China to swell to over $200 billion for the first time in history....

Rob Portman, where did our jobs go?

*  Things are heating up about Mary Taylor's announcement that, when she was a CPA, she advised her wealthy clients to move out of state to Florida.  Taylor, Kasich's running mate, might be personally responsible for the loss of thousands of Ohio jobs. Why would she brag about something that hurt the people and the state?

Kasich and Taylor make a great combination----- he enabled Ohio's state pensions to lose hundreds of millions of dollars and she sent people, businesses, and jobs out of state.  This Republican duo is toxic.

Ohiodems has this wonderful Youtube video that shows Kasich and his buddy:

Pretty frightening, isn't it?