Wednesday, May 26, 2010


* Ohioans must realize by now that while the American economy was tanking and their portfolio/retirement funds were tanking, Lehman Brothers was still handing out massive bonuses to its employees, including managing director, John Kasich. It is fair to say that while your assets were depleted, Kasich and the Lehman directors filled their pockets with what looks like unwarranted bonuses.

Stronger Ohio has a political ad that addresses these facts:

>> Additional facts from Building a Stronger Ohio includes:

...Lehman Brothers hid toxic loans from regulators and gave out more than 16 billion dollars in bonuses while John Kasich was a Managing Director.

Past behavior predicts future behavior. Really.

**** Violent crime is down, according to a new report by the FBI as posted at ABC News:


* Don't you wonder if Republican candidate for Congress, Steve Stivers, a former bank lobbyist,
still supports the oil companies as he did in the past? You Tube

Stivers, who once agreed that global warming was a scientific fact, now says it doesn't exist. This guy has more flip-flops than a shoe store.

By the way, Stivers is doing a great job of pulling in big, big, political contributions see (
from oil company PACs, insurance PACs, coal PACs, lobbyists, and those bank PACs. Of course, Stivers is against any regulations on all these types of companies. Really.

***** The right wing Columbus Dispatch is keeping up its tradition by continuing to smear Democrats. Why don't they just change the paper's name to the Columbus Republican? Really.

*** Why have the Republicans declared war on Hispanics and Latinos?