Sunday, September 30, 2007

Stop Funding the War

What if the Democrats in the House and the Senate just gave the Pentagon enough money to bring all the troops home? Wouldn't that be better than continuing Bush's war in Iraq?

It appears that Republicans are just wasting time instead of supporting an end to the war.

CQ Politics:

...Deborah Pryce, R-Ohio, a moderate who is not running again, predicted that many Republicans would welcome putting off further showdowns on Iraq until the winners for each party emerge from the primaries.

“Each party will be looking for its presumptive leader to begin to lead at that point,” she said. “The Democrats almost already have that in Hillary [Clinton]. I hope that the candidates for both parties will help to move us to the center.”

While Republicans support a continuation of the the war, no one in the administration has even suggested a diplomatic end to the war.

>>> AP:

.....Fundraising for Republican campaign organizations lags. That is strikingly so in the House, where the party committee spent more than it raised in each of the past two months, reported only $1.6 million in the bank at the end of August and a debt of nearly $4 million.

Democrats reported $22.1 million in the bank and a debt of slightly more than $3 million...

....A recent Gallup poll reported that 59 percent of those surveyed have an unfavorable impression of the Republican Party. By a margin of 47-42 percent, they said Democrats will do a better job of protecting against terrorism and military threats. Asked which party would better maintain prosperity, the majority preferred the Democrats, 54-34.....

Looks like the Republicans are unable to gain the hearts, minds, and money of the American people. Americans have had enough of the GOP's war, scandals, bridges to nowhere, and lies.