Thursday, March 30, 2006

Immigration and Talking Points

>Where does Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce stand on immigration reform? Pryce has been known to make strong statements and then follow the party line on legislation. The Washington Times has this quote from Pryce: "The American people see it as a clear imperative," said House Republican ConferenceChairman Deborah Pryce of Ohio. "They're demanding that action be taken, and I don't think we have any choice but to get a bill to the president's desk."

Okay. What does she mean? What will she do? Will she follow Hastert, DeLay, Boehner, and/or Tancredo? Will she ask her constituents? Does she realize that many immigrants are filling jobs here in central Ohio that citizens do not want to do (roofing, construction, landscaping, etc.)? Will she support humane and fair immigration policies or will she support the Tancredos of her party?

>Ken Mehlman recently received a memo from Republican pollster, Jan van Lohuizen. Here are some of the highlights (?) of the memo as reported by Hotline:
(I'm summarizing here)--Republican candidates should not distance themselves from the President. Republicans must run as a unified part to get voter turnout. and....quoting....The President is seen universally as the face of the Republican Party. We are now brand W. Republicans.

How many of these memo highlights will Pryce follow? Does she consider herself a 'brand W Republican'?