Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ohio's Political Atmosphere Gets Noticed

One of the more popular political weblogs, MyDD has noticed the problems Ohio Republicans are having. Here is part of a recent entry:
Ohio in quickly turning into ground zero for election 2006. Republican Governor Bob Taft, who was convicted on four misdemeanor counts in August, has an approval rating of 15 percent. Leading Republican donor Tim Noe, who "lost" more than $10 million of the state's numismatic investment, has been indicted for laundering money for the Bush campaign. Republican Congresswoman Deborah Pryce has been linked to Jack Abramoff. And Senator Mike DeWine is performing quite poorly against either of his possible Democratic challengers, Sherrod Brown or Paul Hackett.

The last week and a half have not been particularly good for Ohio Republicans either. With the ongoing investigation of Jack Abramoff and the plea bargain of Michael Scanlon, Republican Congressman Bob Ney is looking worse and worse in the eyes of the public, as Pete Yost writes for the AP...

To read the rest of the entry, go to:
Could this be an indication of a change in Ohio? In a recent poll, Republican Rep. Jean Schmidt had an unfavorable rating after her comments in the House of Representatives. Is her seat in jeopardy?
Are the people in Ohio finally disgusted enough to vote out corrupt Republican politicians? Only time will tell.