Monday, February 23, 2015

Another Buckeye Winner?

>  Did you know that the winner of an Oscar has some strong ties to Ohio State? Really. You can read more about J.K. Simmons here.

>  The Ohio Legislative Black Caucus recently released some sad facts about Ohio.  Here is one fact about unemployment that was recently published in the Dispatch:

   ...While Ohio’s unemployment rate is 4.8 percent, the rate among black Ohioans is 15 percent,          higher than the national average of 13.4 percent....

Read the entire article at this Dispatch link.

> Rudy Giuliani's racist comments about President Obama show that the Republican Part just can't stop itself from being stupid. If you are interested in my further comments about Giuliani, check out my post at

Monday, February 16, 2015

Testing Time!

> Ohio's students are facing a massive amount of tests in the next few weeks ( There
is just too much time being spent on preparing for and taking tests. As the Governor and General Assembly continue to destroy public education in Ohio, more tests will be used in the future.

> Plunderbund has an interesting post on a recent teacher evaluation proposal from the Ohio General Assembly.  It appears that those in the General Assembly that know nothing about educating children are doing their best to make it even more difficult.

> How are Ohio charter schools doing? Not so good. Recent articles about poor performing charters
convicted felons on charter boards, lack of accountability of charters, and failures of charters have been hitting the news.

> Gov. John Kasich continues his tour of states to talk up his ideas surrounding a balanced budget amendment. His appearances just happen to be in states that will have early Republican presidential primaries.  Surprise.

Monday, February 09, 2015

>  Do we really need regulations? Yes!

  *  WKBN is reporting that workplace fatalities are up in the state of Ohio. Even though Republicans hate regulations, the existence of the safety rules are in place to save lives!

  *  Vaccination requirements are being ignored across the nation, and as a result children are dying. Those of us that are old enough to remember can recall youngsters with polio, measles, mumps, and other communicable diseases.  We don't want to revisit those horrible days.  We need to go back to the time when all children had to be vaccinated to attend school. Only those children with an ironclad medical reason should be exempt.

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>  Gov. Kasich's new funding plan is being closing scrutinized. Despite the talking-point that funding is increasing, the reality is that education cuts are being made.


Despite a $459 million increase in school funding in Ohio Gov. John Kasich's proposed budget, many local districts would see a reduction in state aid under the governor's new funding formula.....

Why do some people want to destroy traditional public schools?

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>  Have you noticed the lack of information on the Affordable Care Act from Ohio media outlets?  The good people at Plunderbund noticed.


>  Ohio farmers are seeing their tax bills increase dramatically. The Dispatch has details. Did Ohio farmers really expect that Kasich would lower their taxes???

Monday, February 02, 2015

What game?

I enjoyed the Puppy Bowl again this year. There was another game yesterday?????

*** Ohio is ranked 37th in job growth. This is sooooo sad. While Kasich tours the country talking about balancing the federal budget and preaching, many Ohioans have just stopped looked for work. Many of the new jobs that we have seen are low wage ones that make it impossible to support a family. As we know, Kasich the the Republicans care little about those things.

Meanwhile, more layoffs are in the future for Ohioans: