Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Are Nothing But Noise to Kasich

This is another reason why I don't watch Morning Joe----
       John Kasich could show up as a guest and ruin my whole day!

Someone at ThinkProgress watched the Morning Joe program (thank goodness!) and this is what they heard.


....this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Kasich pretended that the opposition to his signature piece of legislation was no big deal, saying with all sincerity that “there was no drama” in his first six months as governor:
KASICH: What’s driven my negatives up is the fact that we’re trying to rein in and give local communities the abilities to control their costs with public employees… So it’s just protesters and noise. But when it comes to the budget, no protests, no noise, and we got it through. And got through virtually all of what we really wanted.
Watch it:

The people of Ohio, however, disagree. Not only do big majorities support repealing SB 5, they also oppose his budget. As for Kasich himself, polls have shown that if Ohioans could have a do-over of 2010, when he defeated former Gov. Ted Strickland (D), they’d hand him a 25-point defeat. Of course, to Kasich, that’s all just noise.

Do you think that Kasich is living in a bubble, only watches Fox News, and reads the far right Dispatch?  I think so. When you are as closed-minded and as arrogant as Kasich, you just don't give a damn about regular, hardworking, ordinary Ohioans.  In his own unique way, John Kasich has dismissed the concerns of Democrats, working people, teachers, firefighters, police officers, nurses employed in state facilities, public employees, people who opposed cuts to schools and nursing homes, and anyone that raised his or her voice against the draconian cuts he and the Ohio Republicans put into their budget.

Now you can understand why 1.3 million signatures were collected to support the referendum to repeal SB 5.   Ohioans have had enough.  By repealing SB 5, Ohioans will take the air out of the Kasich agenda.