Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Republicans Protecting Themselves

The Ohio Republicans are not interested making their own sacrifices, but they want teachers, firefighters, police officers, nurses, and public employees to sacrifice their pay, worker's rights, and collective bargaining.

Here is a video that is posted at Innovation Ohio that shows how Republican State Rep. Ron Amstutz explains why legislators are exempt from SB 5.

He can't explain because it just doesn't make any sense that elected officials get a pass.

> Another video, also posted at Innovation Ohio, tells you a little something about Republican House Speaker Batchelder that will make you say, "OMG!"


OMG!  Yet he wants to deny the firefighter making $35,000/year the right to engage in collective bargaining about safety equipment, working conditions, staffing, etc.  Mr. Batchelder comes off not looking like a very nice person.

WeareOhio has released a new ad opposing Issue 2:

Did you see all the restrictions that SB 5 has against teachers?  Let me refresh the information for you.......

ISSUE 2 Restricts rights to collective bargaining for:
Source: Senate Bill 5; p 230, Section 4117.08 (C)
and p 232, Section 4117.081 (A)(B)

ISSUE 2 Restricts rights to collective bargaining for:

Source: Senate Bill 5; p 230, Section 4117.08 (C)
and p 232, Section 4117.081 (A)(B)

ISSUE 2 Restricts rights to collective bargaining for:
Source: Senate Bill 5; p 230, Section 4117.08 (C)
and p 232, Section 4117.081 (A)(B)

Source: Senate Bill 5; p 154-157, Section 3317.13 (B) (C) 
and less time for classroom learning.

Issue 2 gives politicians the right to completely gut the budget for public education in Ohio. This destruction of public education is a goal of some powerful Republicans. If Issue 2 stands, you can expect crowded classrooms, tens of thousands of teachers fired, old and out of date books and equipment in schools, an increase of violence due to a lack of safety officers, and tests, tests, tests, and more tests.

Stop this unnecessary and unfair law.

Vote NO on Issue 2.