Tuesday, April 05, 2011

This Would Be Interesting!

If you've ever taught school, you'll find this idea very appealing---


Have you heard about the next planned “Survivor” show?

Mayor Bloomberg (NYC), Kathy Black (NYC Schools’ Chancellor), Governor Walker ( Wis ) , Governor Kasich (Ohio) and Governor Christie (NJ) will be dropped in an elementary school classroom for 1 school year. Each of them will be provided with a copy of his/her school district’s curriculum, and a class of 20-25 students.

Each class will have a minimum of five learning-disabled children, three with A.D.H.D., one gifted child, and two who speak limited English. Three students will be labeled with severe behavior problems.....

Moonhowlings goes on and explains a fabulous  "Survivor" program that millions of teachers would love to see----- the biggest critics of public school teachers trying to manage a classroom with many types of learners, without enough classroom materials, and not enough support.  Would they be able to accomplish the district's objectives for their grade level, raise test scores, improve reading results, and meet the instructional needs of each student's IEP?  Wouldn't that be a great show?


If Kasich begins to privatize every aspect of the state government, does that mean that Republican contributors will get every job because there would be no bid contracts?  Would Jeb Bush's company be authorized to provide instructional materials for schools? Does Kokosing get all the jobs with the state for building and maintenance?  Would Kasich outsource nursing programs to private, profit-making businesses?  Would David Brenner set the pay scale for teachers?  Would Kasich allow the Koch Brothers to abolish  environmental regulations?  Would Kasich allow businesses to create their own pay scale instead of using the minimum wage?  Would Kasich let Boich dispense with mining safeguards?

The power of the people has been taken away and given to private companies who are making profits and wiping out our jobs, all because of the John Kasich power grab.