The recent shutdown by the Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives reportedly cost our economy $24 Billion. The most upsetting part of the entire action by the GOP was that they gambled on our country's economic future. They were willing to let the U.S. go into default, collapse our economy, put millions of people out of work, shutdown Social Security, deny payments to our disabled veterans, and ruin our country's economic reputation in the world just so that could stop people from getting health care. The GOP seems to dislike our President, not because of his policies, but because of the color of his skin. The Republicans showed that they have become a party of radicals that want to destroy our government and our American culture.
When an agreement finally emerged in the Senate, it was one put together by female U.S. Senators. After the legislation passed the Senate, it was set for a vote in the House of Representatives. Knowing that the entire country's future rested on their vote, some Republicans still voted against the legislation to open the government. The House vote on October 16th (Roll Call Vote 550) lists the following members of the House as voting against the legislation to open the government and raise the debt ceiling: (those highlighted in yellow are from Ohio)
Aderholt Amash Amodei Bachmann Barr Barton Bentivolio Bishop (UT) Black Blackburn Brady (TX) Bridenstine Brooks (AL) Broun (GA) Bucshon Burgess Campbell Carter Cassidy Chabot Chaffetz Collins (GA) Collins (NY) Conaway Culberson Denham DeSantis DesJarlais Duffy Duncan (SC) Duncan (TN) Ellmers Farenthold Fincher Fleischmann Fleming Flores Forbes Foxx Franks (AZ) Garrett Gibbs Gingrey (GA) Gohmert Goodlatte Gosar Gowdy Granger | Graves (GA) Graves (MO) Griffith (VA) Hall Harris Hartzler Hensarling Holding Hudson Huelskamp Huizenga (MI) Hultgren Hunter Hurt Johnson (OH) Johnson, Sam Jones Jordan King (IA) Kingston Labrador LaMalfa Lamborn Lankford Latta Long Lucas Luetkemeyer Lummis Marchant Marino Massie McCaul McClintock Meadows Messer Mica Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Mullin Mulvaney Neugebauer Noem Nugent Nunnelee Olson Palazzo Pearce | Perry Petri Pitts Poe (TX) Pompeo Posey Price (GA) Radel Reed Renacci Rice (SC) Roby Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rohrabacher Rokita Rooney Ross Rothfus Royce Ryan (WI) Salmon Sanford Scalise Schweikert Scott, Austin Sensenbrenner Sessions Smith (MO) Smith (TX) Southerland Stewart Stockman Stutzman Thornberry Turner Wagner Walberg Walden Walorski Weber (TX) Wenstrup Westmoreland Williams Wilson (SC) Woodall Yoder Yoho |
These people should be voted out of office!
* Republican Sen. Ted Cruz might be very popular in Texas, but some strong Republicans in Ohio and across the nation are vowing to never, ever support him for higher office. His self-promoting crusade nearly destroyed our country.