Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday's News

* Why are the right wing pundits now attacking the families of those killed at Sandy Hook? It just makes me ill. Hannity, Limbaugh, and others are just heartless a******s. The Progressive Professor has it right.

*** Plunderbund points out that Ohio's newspapers are just now learning what the rest of us already knew-----Gov. John Kasich is a failure.


...Kasich said, “you have to take responsibility… you have to lead”.   And with this budget, he’s done neither.

It is time to have a real leader govern our state, not someone like Kasich and the GOP that just follow the prescribed legislative agenda of the Koch Brothers, Americans for (their own) Prosperity,  and Grover Norquist. Ohioans should demand a governor that puts the middle class, education, and families first. Ohio's tax money and government does not exist for the pleasure of business owners and the friends of the governor.

By the way, if you are not reading Plunderbund on a regular basis, you just are out of the loop as to what is really happening in Ohio.

>>>>>  Which of Ohio's elected members of the U.S. House has this on his campaign website:

...As a proud card-carrying member of the NRA, I am and will continue to be a strong defender of our Second Amendment rights afforded to us in the United States Constitution. While in the Ohio Senate, I cosponsored the Castle Doctrine, was a cosponsor of Ohio's concealed carry law and I supported educational programs about the use of firearms, marksmanship, and safety.  As a Member of Congress I have supported Second Amendment rights by:
  • Voting for and cosponsoring legislation to allow for reciprocity across state lines for concealed carry,
  • Voting for legislation to stop the National Institutes of Health from using taxpayer's money for studies designed to make legal gun ownership seem like a public health hazard or to promote gun control,
  • Signing on as a cosponsor of legislation to prohibit the Army Corps of Engineers from banning firearms on water resources lands, and
  • Signing on as a cosponsor of legislation to allow collectible firearms to be imported into the U.S. without the approval of the Department of State or the Department of Defense....  

Apparently, Steve Stivers is more interested in protecting the NRA than our children.


•••••• The Republicans and their sequestration demands are changing cancer treatment.

Cancer clinics in Ohio are facing the alarming possibility of having to send Medicare patients elsewhere to receive the treatment they need to stay alive.

The problem: The mandatory federal budget cuts of $85 billion that began March 1 slashed 2 percent from Medicare providers, including cuts to drug reimbursements.

Those cuts were far smaller than cuts to other federal agencies, but for cancer clinics they are debilitating....

If you are a cancer patient or have a family member with the disease, their treatment will be altered because of these cuts. Hospitals will not be able to accommodate all of the patients. Which patients will have to wait, and possibly die while waiting for treatment?