@PortiaABoulger Portia A. Boulger
Come to Ohio Statehouse today-5PM-7PM. Rally to fight against Kasich's budget that will devastate Ohio communities.
Why are Republicans blocking Elizabeth Warren to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Huffington Post has the story.
- Are Republicans against a woman leading an agency?
- Are the Republicans afraid of an extremely intelligent woman going after sleazy bankers?
- Are Republicans, like Steve Stivers, trying to protect their banker friends who contribute big money to their campaigns?
- Do the Republicans want the banks and financial institutions to continue to ripoff people?
- Why do the Republicans continue to play these games? Where are the jobs, Boehner?
> Ohio Gov. John Kasich has been tagged as being "anti-business" by the casino operators who are against the latest strategy by Kasich and the GOP. Kasich (once again meddling) and the Republicans in the General Assembly are trying to change the tax blueprint that was approved by voters on the Ohio Constitution amendment to allow casino gambling.
The Examiner:
...In a statement from Eric Schippers, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for Penn National Gaming, the failure by the House Finance committee to remove the CAT casino amendment yesterday may set up more battles going forward.
"We are deeply disappointed to learn that the punitive CAT tax language has been reinstated in the Budget Bill by the House," Schippers said. " This unique and discriminatory tax hike on the casinos – which we believe is patently unconstitutional – will likely have severe consequences on our more than $1 billion planned investment in Ohio and the 34,000 jobs we were hoping to create."
....Relying on voter-approved language in the Ohio Constitution, Schippers said it establishes the requirement that to pay the CAT tax on gross casino revenue, defined as the total amount wagered minus winnings returned to patrons.
This standard, he said, is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and used by every other gaming jurisdiction in the United States.....
I sincerely hope that the casino owners take their case to the Ohio Supreme Court.