Friday, October 01, 2010

Consider Your Future...

*  Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy's bill on medical debt has passed the House, according to the Dispatch:

Paid-off medical debt could not harm a consumer's credit rating under a bill approved 336-82 yesterday by the U.S. House.

The measure, created by Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, D-Columbus, prohibits credit bureaus from using paid-off or settled medical debt to help determine credit scores. The bill would require that a creditor or credit-rating bureau expunge medical debt from a consumer's record within 30 days of the debt being paid off or settled.

"In this day and age, credit scores are critical to an individual's ability to buy a house, car, or even attain gainful employment," Kilroy said after the vote. "My bill would ensure fairness by guaranteeing Ohioans and the millions of other Americans affected by medical debt that their future financial transactions will not be adversely affected years after they've settled what they owed."

Once again, Kilroy produces a bill that helps people, not banks or corporations.

 There is even more news about how Kilroy is helping small businesses!


U.S. Representative Mary Jo Kilroy's Small Business Intermediary Lending Pilot Program Act, a bill that would create a three-year lending pilot program for small businesses, passed the House of Representatives today as part of the Small Business Jobs Act. The pilot program would give small businesses the capital to create jobs by providing them with low cost, long term loans through the Small Businesses Administration (SBA).....

.....Small businesses need access to affordable credit to start-up and expand. While the Small Business Administration's (SBA) microloan and 7(a) loan programs address the needs of many small businesses, some need larger loans than the microloan program offers but do not qualify for traditional loans backed by the 7(a) loan program for a variety of reasons, most often a lack of sufficient collateral. This creates a "gap" in the SBA loan program into which many small businesses fall.

Kilroy's bill seeks to tackle this problem by authorizing the Small Business Administration to provide up to $1 million to community development organizations to make low-cost, flexible loans of up to $200,000 to local small businesses looking to start up or expand. The pilot program is modeled after a successful existing program in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which has proven effective in stimulating economic activity in rural areas. Unlike the USDA program, Kilroy's pilot program will serve both urban and rural regions....

Kilroy is watching out for the family, small business person, students, and regular people.  Isn't that what we want our member of Congress to do for us?  (Or would you rather have a Republican representative watching out and helping banks, bankers, lobbyists, and polluters?)

College students could be the most important factor in Ohio's election.  While O'Reilly and his buddy Stossel displayed disrespect for young people, candidates know that students bring power.  Democrats want their votes.  Republicans will discourage college voters.

In the race for Ohio Governor, students have to search through the rhetoric to get to the facts.  Gov. Ted Strickland has worked hard to keep down costs, and even had a tuition freeze at Ohio colleges. Strickland knows Ohio schools and universities, and respects teachers, professors, and all those who work in education.

On the other hand, Republican Kasich, of Lehman Brothers, wants to gut education funding, fire teachers, eliminate college programs, and turn schools over to corporations and people he thinks can run schools.  Kasich's long career in Congress has shown his disdain for teachers and public education.  Rumors are flying across the state that he wants to raise tuition at state schools.

Why are Republican candidates refusing to debate????  Josh Mandel,  Jon Husted, and Steve Stivers are refusing to participate in open debates.  Are they afraid?  Why won't these Republicans release their tax returns?  Is there something they don't want us to see????

>>>>>>  I just saw another silly ad for do-nothing, Pat Tiberi (OH-12th).  What in the world has he done for the people in his district?  NOTHING!!!!  He voted against the stimulus bill and then begged for money for a company in his district. Ridiculous.

***  There is a new baby gorilla at the Columbus Zoo!
A much-awaited baby gorilla has been born at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.

First-time mother Cassie, 17, delivered the baby at 2 p.m. yesterday. The sex of the baby has not been determined yet, zoo spokeswoman Patty Peters said....

....The baby is the 30th gorilla born at the Columbus Zoo and one of 17 living there now. All are lowland gorillas, part of the endangered great apes of Africa....

Can't wait to see the new baby!