Friday, August 26, 2011

Still No Diversity in Kasich's Administration

*   A lawsuit has been filed to stop the privatization of Ohio's prisons. 

A liberal policy group that previously sued over Gov. John Kasich's privatization of Ohio's economic development functions has filed a similar lawsuit challenging privatization of five state prisons.

ProgressOhio and several prison employees filed the action Thursday in Franklin County.
The lawsuit alleges selling state-owned prisons to private contractors is unconstitutional....

Ohioans have learned that Gov. Kasich has little respect for the Ohio Constitution.  He just wants to do what he wants to do.  Forget about things called restrictions, laws, constitutions, etc.
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*  Republican leader Rep. Eric Cantor is becoming irritating with his demands.


Looks like House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) will extend his requirement that federal disaster relief be paid for by cutting spending elsewhere in the budget to Hurricane Irene.

"We aren't going to speculate on damage before it happens, period," his spokesperson Laena Fallon emails. "But, as you know, Eric has consistently said that additional funds for federal disaster relief ought to be offset with spending cuts."

Will Cantor and the Republicans try to hold up federal relief until cuts are made? How about if we just hold up federal relief to just Cantor's district?


****  City Beat has a story about Republican Rep. Steve Chabot's flip flop on the use of cameras at his town hall meetings.  Now, according to a Chabot staffer, people will be able to use cameras at his next town hall meeting scheduled for Monday, 7pm at Westwood (see CityBeat for details).  Chabot, former puppet of the Bush administration, had cameras and cell phones confiscated from Democrats at a meeting he held just days ago.

>>>>  We already knew that Kasich has favored males in his cabinet appointments, but now we have some statistical evidence.


Dayton Daily News examination shows Kasich has named predominantly white males to boards, commissions and open judgeships since becoming governor in January.

In his first seven months as Ohio governor, the Republican made 141 appointments: 28 women, or 19.8 percent, and 15 minorities, or 10.6 percent....
From DaytonDailyNews:

Kasich's disdain for diversity is quite evident.
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*   The StarkPoliticalReport has some interesting info on some contributions to Rep. Jim Renacci:

Congressman Jim Renacci would not have missed the "coming out party" of May 10, 2011 for Ben Suarez and his relocation of local operations (Jackson Township) to the former Hoover complex being rehabbed and repopulated by Stu Lichter of IRG.

According to a Toledo Blade article of August 20th, Renacci's campaign committee had just been the recipient of some $100,000 in contributions from Suarez and a number of his employees including a number of their spouses.

.....A sampling of the contributions (gathered by the SCPR from the FEC website) includes the following:


This information has come to light just as all those similar contributions to Josh Mandel were made by Suarez and his employees.  How is it possible that these Suarez employees are able to make these huge contributions to several politicians?  This doesn't pass the smell test.