Friday, June 27, 2008

Seen and Heard in Central Ohio

> There are plenty of Obama bumper stickers on cars in central Ohio.

> Yesterday I saw a Stivers bumper sticker on the back of a very expensive Lexus. Steve Stivers, a former bank lobbyist, seems to fit in perfectly with Lexus drivers and country club members. The rest of us will proudly show off our Kilroy support!

> We will soon get to see the newly updated quarterly statements of all the candidates at the Federal Elections Commission web site.

> Have you passed a car dealership recently? All those SUVs on those lots look like dinosaurs.

> Some restaurants put feta cheese in their red sauce and call it Italian. Let me make one thing perfectly clear---- real Italian sauce does NOT have feta cheese in it. Next time you are in a restaurant, ask them what is in their sauce.

> With the recent E-coli findings in Ohio, it might be time to start becoming a vegetarian. Oh, how I long for the days when a restaurant called SEVA was located near the Ohio State campus. (Actually, there were two SEVA restaurants--one north of Lane on High Street and the other on High Street near the Agora.)

> Comfest is this weekend.

> We've had a lot of rain here in Columbus. There is even some flooding. I think we've had enough rain for now.

> Can't wait to watch some Ohio State football!!!!!!!