Monday, November 19, 2007

Check the facts!

1. Washington Post: Deborah Pryce has missed 131 votes (11.7%) during the current Congress (since January 2007).

2. According to the Washington Post, Steve Chabot (OH-1st-R) ....was one of the managers appointed by the House of Representatives in 1998 to conduct the impeachment proceedings of President William Jefferson Clinton.

3. Do you remember this: (CBS May 20, 2004)
.....Several members of Congress said Mr. Bush expressed his determination to stick to a June 30 date for handing partial governing authority to Iraqis.

"He talked about 'time to take the training wheels off,'" said Rep. Deborah Pryce. "The Iraqi people have been in training, and now it's time for them to take the bike and go forward."
.....Some in Congress, including Republicans, have criticized the Bush administration for not keeping Congress abreast of the cost of the Iraq war and reconstruction, the abuse of Iraqi detainees and the transfer of power.....

That was 2004!!!!

While the Democrats have proposed timetables and a war budget tied to progress, the Republicans still want to give Bush a blank check like they did in 2004. So while the Republicans do NOTHING but block ending the war and bringing the troops home, Americans continue to die. How can Republicans sleep at night knowing that more Americans have died and will continue to die in Iraq because they won't say "no" to Bush?