Sunday, April 01, 2007

Pryce, Schmidt, and Regula on Endangered List

According to the Cincinnati Post, three Republicans are in danger of losing elections next year. (We can only hope!) Here are some excerpts from the article:
Memo to Rep. Jean Schmidt:

The White House thinks you're in danger of getting beat in next year's elections.

The Ohio congresswoman's name is on a list of three dozen Republican House seats that the White House says will have to be defended in the 2008 elections....

...Schmidt, a Miami Township Republican who was elected to a second term last November by just 2,500 votes, is the only local lawmaker on the endangered list.

Two other Ohioans made the list - Rep. Deborah Pryce, who represents the Columbus area and was re-elected last year by just 1,000 votes; and Rep. Ralph Regula of Navarre. Regula was re-elected last November by a wide margin, but his seat is on the endangered list because it's believed he may not seek re-election next year....

Pryce, Schmidt, and Regula continue to support Bush's unending war in Iraq. Ohioans and a majority of the people in the country are very dissatisfied with Bush's lack of an exit strategy.