Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Call and E-Mail Your Elected Officials

American troops are starting to speak out in larger numbers about Iraq. Today's Dispatch has an article about how many of the troops share the same views as the public about the Bush's war in Iraq. Here are some excerpts:

....At the end of 2006, the independent Military Times conducted a poll that found that, for the first time since it started asking the question, a higher percentage of troops disapproved of President Bush’s handling of the war than approved of it.

The poll also found that 50 percent thought that success in Iraq was likely, compared with 83 percent in a 2004 poll. In the 2006 poll, the Times mailed questionnaires to 4,000 of its active-duty subscribers and got responses from 954. The respondents tended to be older, more experienced and more careeroriented than the military as a whole.

Still, the poll suggests that thousands of troops, and thousands more veterans, now oppose the war. But the most visible national organization representing their views, Iraq Veterans Against the War, has only 370 members.

As of yesterday, 1,278 active duty, Guard and reserve members had signed "An Appeal For Redress From the War in Iraq," urging Congress to support a withdrawal......

For even more information about how our service members feel, check out the blog called "Lumberjack in a Desert" which is written by a member of our military. He lost an arm to because of an IED. Check out his blog (although a little more conservative) and his recent comments about Walter Reed Army Hospital and his recent move to the Fisher House.

It appears that our young men and women in uniform already know the truth about Iraq. Why hasn't this administration listened to them? Why are so many of our wounded having to deal with terrible conditions back in the states? Here is an excerpt from Lumberjack's blog in which he talks about his move to Fisher House:

.......I can not begin to tell you all how lucky we were to be able to move into the Fisher House. There are hundreds of soldiers at Walter Reed and many of them live in horrible conditions. The facility is overcrowded, understaffed, and confusing to navigate. It's stressful enough dealing with the loss of his arm and nerve damage in his left hand. Knowing that at night we can go back to a room that isn't covered in mold or roach infested eases a little stress. I wish every soldier could return home at night to the same comforts that we do......

Isn't it time to call our elected officials and tell them to get out of Iraq? If they won't listen the first time, e-mail and call them again and again.

By the way, what is Deborah Pryce doing for us in the House. It seems that since she is no longer involved in the Republican leadership, she is under the radar. IF the citizens of Ohio's 15th had voted for the Democrat (Mary Jo Kilroy) in the last election, our district would not be in this position today where our representative can avoid voting (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/p000555/votes/). Where was she and what is she doing to help us in central Ohio?