Sunday, February 05, 2006

Pryce Feeling the Heat

Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce is feeling the heat. The Chicago Tribune has a story that indicates that the Ohio Republican incumbents are just a little nervous. Good. Here are some excerpts:

"...Obviously, Democrats believe there are opportunities here because of what's going on in the state," said Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio), who says she believes she wears a bull's-eye because of the wrongdoing of Republicans surrounding her. "I hope that I am looked at individually. I will run on my record...."

While incumbency often provides a golden ticket to re-election, the rules may be different this year in Ohio, where Pryce faces her first serious challenge since being elected in 1992.

When asked last week to assess the political mood of her central Ohio district, she replied: "The more important question is what the mood will be like in November.

"There is a lot that could happen between now and then, and I'm certain the mood will improve."

Pryce conceded she has a "hotly contested race. I truly don't believe they think they can win it, but they are trying to keep me busy and preoccupied."

What is her record? For starters, Pryce is a big Bush backer and a Tom DeLay protege. She has voted to cut student loans and increase interest rates on those loans. She still wants social security reform. Pryce wants to stay the course in Iraq. Despite the fact that employment seems to be improving in other parts of the country, Pryce has done little to bring new business to Ohio, especially her home district.

It is apparent that Democrats have an excellent candidate in Mary Jo Kilroy. We should support her and keep up the pressure on Pryce. She must answer why she does things that help Texas more than Ohio's 15th district.